

By Mike Waters Sep 27, 2022 | 1:51 PM

I don’t care who you are or what your opinion on lying is, but all parents will tell their child an untruth or a downright lie.  …for example:

  1. That it was illegal to have the dome light on in your car while driving.  It’s not
  2. If you went swimming right after you ate, you’d cramp up and drown.
  3. That quicksand was a major cause ofdeath for lots of people.
  4. That if anything bad hit your “permanent record,” your life was ruined.
  5. If you took a shower during a thunderstorm, you’d probably get struck by lightning and die.  That one’s rare, but it’s actually true.
  6. Sweets before bed would give you nightmares.  There could actually be something to that one too, but your parents were probably just lying.
  7. Skunks, and how hard it is to avoid being sprayed by one.
  8. If you consumed anything from a hotel minibar, you’d bankrupt your family.

Now, let’s see what Eastern Iowa thinks…