
It’s National Plan Your Epitaph Day!

By Mike Waters Apr 6, 2022 | 12:05 PM

April 6th is Plan Your Epitaph Day! Sure, it sounds depressing, but it’s not…and can even be a fun process. But why do you “need” one? If you don’t have one, someone else will just put your name and dates on your gravestone, period. Most people like having the last word – and this is your opportunity to have exactly that.

Your Epitaph truly gives the world the way YOU want to be remembered. There are some greats, which cause as much laughter as they do head-scratching. Consider the last words of one Johnny Yeast. “Here lies Johnny Yeast, pardon me for not rising.” One Ludolph van Ceulen had the first 35 digits of Pi inscribed on his tombstone, as he was the first to calculate this delicious sounding number out to that many decimals.

This day for reflection on our own mortality, but also, to consider what kind of legacy we want to leave behind for those who come after us. So take some time to think about where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and what you’d like to say to those who come after, and start taking strides to make sure your Epitaph is worth reading.  Need some examples???  Check out the video, and thanks to all who called in this morning!!